Mandatory Downtime and Assistance
Allow for time to recover, at least 2 weeks of low physical activity, NO obligations
You need a committed, available helper for at least 7 days. A partner, family member, or someone you hire. This person will help you mobilize, bathe, dress yourself. Get your meds. Support you physically and mentally. Help with tasks at home that you typically do, like childcare, straightening up, even taking out the trash.
Arrange restful spaces. For sleep you will need a recliner or comfortable supportive chair with ottoman, lots of pillows, comfortable blankets. Sitting upright after surgery is so helpful – laying horizontal in bed is totally challenging after breast and body contouring surgery.
Buy some books, magazines. Plan on streaming TV. You need to just relax.
Do not plan on being a “ninja!” Do not prove you are at the top of the healing pyramid! You need to take it easy – the up front time invested will serve you well over the course of your recovery, and avoid any setbacks.