Attain the Bust You Desire With Breast Augmentation in Baltimore

Large, shapely breasts and a curvy, voluptuous figure are traits that many women crave. However, if you aren’t one of the lucky few to develop this kind of physique naturally, attaining the body you want can feel next to impossible. That’s where Dr. Michele Shermak can help. As one of the top female plastic surgeons in the country, Dr. Shermak specializes in providing stunning, natural-looking results with breast augmentation in Maryland.

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What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to improve the size, shape, symmetry, and overall appearance of the breasts. The procedure, which typically involves the placement of customized breast implants, is ideal for addressing unsatisfactory breast size, which can be related to heredity, volume loss from pregnancy, breastfeeding, or significant weight changes.

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Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a transformative cosmetic procedure that can provide all of the following benefits:

  • Enhanced breast size
  • Rounder, fuller breasts
  • Improved breast symmetry
  • A more curvaceous figure
  • Improved bodily proportions
  • Increased wardrobe options
  • Fully customizable results
  • Long-lasting, natural-looking results
  • Increased self-confidence

Selecting Your Customized Breast Implants

If you’re looking at getting breast implants in Baltimore, your first step will involve a private consultation. During your consultation, Dr. Shermak will spend time with you, learning about your medical history and performing a physical examination. You will then have the opportunity to try on our actual breast implants in a bra; these implants will match those that you can ultimately have placed during your surgery.

Dr. Shermak will personally size you herself, and if you have questions or concerns about your choice, she welcomes you to return prior to your surgery date to ask any questions you might have so you can have a very good idea of what you will see after surgery is done. The choice is yours, and Dr. Shermak will be happy to offer any expertise to assist in that decision.

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Incision Placement for Breast Augmentation

For breast augmentation, there are several common incision options that a surgeon may choose from, depending on factors such as the patient's anatomy, desired implant type, personal preference, and anticipated outcomes. Here are the main types of incisions used for breast augmentation:

Inframammary Incision:

This is made in the natural crease beneath the breast (the inframammary fold). It provides good access for placing the implant and tends to heal well with minimal visible scarring. Incision tends to be about 1 1⁄2 “ in length.

Periareolar Incision:

This is made around the lower half of the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). The scar blends well with the natural color transition.

Transaxillary Incision:

This is made in the natural crease of the armpit. The implant is then placed through a tunnel under the skin into the breast area. This technique avoids any scarring on the breast itself.

The choice of incision depends on factors such as the type and size of the implant, the patient's anatomy, data-based outcomes, and the surgeon's expertise and preference. Discussing these options with Dr. Shermak, a board-certified plastic surgeon, is important to determine the best approach for your situation.

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Implant Placement Options

The layers of the chest include skin, breast, muscle, ribs, and lungs, from superficial to deep. Breast implants are placed either above the muscle directly behind the breast tissue or under the muscle above the ribs. The more common choice for breast implant placement is under the muscle. This location has a lower likelihood of visibility and scarring (capsular contracture) and assists later in mammographic screening.

Saline vs. Silicone Implants

Another aspect of your consultation will be choosing your preferred type of breast implant. The two primary types of available implants are silicone implants and saline implants.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are a nice option for patients who have asymmetries, who have a good amount of breast tissue to camouflage the implant, and who desire a more economical alternative to silicone breast implants.

Silicone Implants

Silicone gel implants are now comprised of “cohesive,” cross-linked gel that is form-stable. As an implant wears and ages over time, this gel will not leak out into the breast space like the traditional gel implants. Silicone implants are known for looking and feeling exceptionally natural.

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What to Expect During Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

After you’ve had your initial consultation and chosen your preferred breast implants, your breast augmentation surgery will be an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. To begin, Dr. Shermak will make incisions either around the nipples, along the natural folds of your breasts, or under your arms. The locations of your incisions will depend on your specific preferences and treatment plan. Next, Dr. Shermak will insert your customized implants and carefully position them to achieve your desired results. If you’ve selected saline implants, they will likely be filled with saline solution after being inserted.

Once Dr. Shermak has positioned your breast implants, she will close your incisions with sutures and apply bandages to the treatment area. You’ll then need to be monitored in a recovery room for a couple of hours while your anesthesia wears off. At that point, you can get a ride home from a friend or family member.

Your Recovery Period After Breast Augmentation

You can expect to experience temporary discomfort, swelling, or numbness after your breast augmentation in Baltimore. Dr. Shermak can prescribe pain medication if needed, and she may also instruct you to wear a surgical support bra for several weeks, which can help to reduce swelling. 

Most women are able to resume regular activities, go back to work, and return to low-impact activity after a single week. However, heavy exercise and lifting are discouraged for at least three to four weeks after the surgery to ensure that you heal properly and achieve optimal results.

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Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Augmentation in Baltimore?

If you’re an adult woman who would like to attain larger breasts, you could be a good candidate for breast augmentation in Maryland. The procedure can often be an effective option for women who have lost the fullness and/or shape of their breasts due to pregnancy, weight changes, or the natural effects of aging.

To be an ideal candidate for breast augmentation, it’s also important to meet the following requirements:

  • Be in good physical health
  • Have reasonable expectations for the procedure
  • Not be currently pregnant or nursing
  • Be a non-smoker (or willing to temporarily quit)

Patient Testimonial

I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Shermak and her team. Thank you for making me feel so cared for during and after my surgery. I am so happy with my breast augmentation and I would do it 100x over again. I feel so much more confident and happy with my body :)

The Cost of a Breast Augmentation in Baltimore

The cost of breast augmentation with Dr. Shermak in Baltimore can vary depending on several factors, including the type of implant, the chosen surgical technique, and any associated procedures, like a lift or fat transfer. On average, the cost for a straightforward breast augmentation typically ranges from $6,500 to $8,000. This estimate includes Dr. Shermak's surgical fee, anesthesia fees, facility fees at an accredited surgical center, and the cost of implants.

Dr. Shermak, a board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for her exceptional skill and patient-centered approach, prioritizes patient safety and optimal results. During your consultation, you will review your medical history, undergo a physical examination and size various implants to achieve your goals. You will also be presented with a cost for surgery, as well as financing options that may be available to help manage the cost of breast augmentation.
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Why Choose Dr. Shermak for Breast Augmentation in Baltimore?

When it comes to breast augmentation, patients from Baltimore and all over the state of Maryland choose Dr. Shermak for her legacy of excellence and patient-focused care. Having carried out more than 1,800 breast augmentations, Dr. Shermak's reputation as a skilled and compassionate plastic surgeon makes her a preferred choice for those seeking breast enhancement. Her commitment to personalized treatment plans, coupled with her extensive experience, ensures that your aesthetic goals are met with precision and care. Contact our office today to arrange a confidential consultation and learn more about your options for breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

How long do breast implants last? I have been told I will need to have them replaced at 10 years.

Does a breast augmentation procedure help with sagging?

My breasts are not the same size. Can breast implants improve how well my breasts match?

In what scenarios are implants preferably placed above the muscle, directly behind the breast tissue?

Can breast augmentation interfere with monitoring for cancer?

How long does the surgery take?

Is breast augmentation painful?

Is breast augmentation safe?

Is breast augmentation covered by insurance?

What are the types of implants available to me?

What are gummy bear implants?

How do I know which size implant is the best one for me?

Breast augmentation recovery: What can I expect?

When does swelling after breast augmentation begin to subside?

What will happen to nipple sensation after having a breast augmentation?

Can you breastfeed after having a breast augmentation?

How do you massage breasts after breast augmentation?

What are the signs of capsular contracture after breast augmentation?

Do I need a breast augmentation, a breast lift, or both?

Should I wear a surgical bra after breast augmentation?

What is your advice for exercise after breast augmentation?

I work out a lot, and I am concerned that implants may impair my gym routine.

I have read about the risk of capsular contracture with breast implants. What is my risk?

How long before I can return to work after breast augmentation surgery?

I am not happy with a breast augmentation surgery that was performed elsewhere. What should I do?

How long do breast implants last? I have been told I will need to have them replaced at 10 years.

Prior generations of silicone gel implants lasted 15 to 20 years. Based on improvements in technology and production, we expect gel implants to last on the order of 25 to 30 years, possibly longer. Saline implants are not as durable as silicone and might last somewhere between 15 and 20 years. We will schedule follow-up visits after your surgery to assure that the implants are intact and in good condition. In the rare case that they are not, implant companies fully warranty their implants for three years covering all costs related to implant removal and replacement.

Does a breast augmentation procedure help with sagging?

Breast augmentation can improve mild sagging (ptosis) by adding volume to volume deficient areas, improving nipple position, and enhancing breast shape. However, if significant sagging is present, a breast lift (mastopexy) may be recommended in conjunction with or instead of augmentation.

My breasts are not the same size. Can breast implants improve how well my breasts match?

Absolutely! Breasts are “sisters, not twins.” And we know how different sisters can be!

Breasts may differ in volume or vertical/horizontal dimensions. All of these may be corrected with differential implant placement and lifting procedures. Dr. Shermak sizes her patients for breast implants using sizer implants that mimic the real implants and place them in a bra that you can put on during your consultation. You will be able to try on sizes to find the best symmetry and fit, as implant choice is individual and patient-specific.

In what scenarios are implants preferably placed above the muscle, directly behind the breast tissue?

  • When someone is undergoing an implant exchange/size change, and the implant is already in that location and has done well
  • When a woman has a developmental deformity that requires expansion of the breast mound
  • When an implant has not “done well” under the muscle and requires a position change
  • When an anatomically shaped implant is placed
  • When there is a good amount of breast tissue that can hide implant contours.

Can breast augmentation interfere with monitoring for cancer?

The short answer is “no.” Women with implants are not likely to have missed cancers or more aggressive breast cancers. Be sure to tell your mammography technician that you have breast implants prior to imaging procedures.

How long does the surgery take?

Breast augmentation surgery typically takes anywhere from an hour to 90 minutes, depending on the need to obtain symmetry in cases where there is a significant baseline mismatch.

Is breast augmentation painful?

Dr. Shermak does everything she can with operative anesthesia, local anesthetics, and postoperative medications to assure her patients are as comfortable as possible after surgery. Her patients are up and about immediately after surgery.

Is breast augmentation safe?

The FDA last met in March 2019 for its 10-year review of the current generation of breast implants. Overall, breast implants are considered to be safe, and the FDA feels comfortable with the public continuing to have access to breast augmentation. Textured implants were pulled off of the market at that time due to their association with inflammatory syndromes, namely, breast implant-associated lymphoma, which is rare and only occurs with any history of having textured implants. All anatomical-shaped implants have to be textured, so they are no longer available. The FDA will meet every five years to revisit implant safety.

Is breast augmentation covered by insurance?

In most cases, breast augmentation is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. However, exceptions may apply if the surgery is part of breast reconstruction following mastectomy or for certain medical conditions.

What are the types of implants available to me?

Smooth round implants are the implants that we are currently providing. These come either as saline-filled or silicone gel-filled. Both are safe options. Saline tends to be heavier and does not feel as natural as a gel. When you come into the office for a consultation, you will be able to see and feel the difference between these options and can make an informed decision.

What are gummy bear implants?

Cohesive gel implants, also known as gummy bear implants, are the latest technology in silicone gel breast implants. These implants are more overfilled and have cross-linked gel that is more solid in nature. They resist rippling and wear and are firmer and potentially more projected than the more standard silicone gel implant. You will be able to see the difference between the more traditional gel implant and the gummy bear implant during consultation.

How do I know which size implant is the best one for me?

Implant sizing is critically important during the preoperative process. Patients often have a concept of goal fullness. Dr. Shermak measures her patients at the time of the consultation and then will size with implants that are analogous to the ones that would be placed during surgery. The implant selected will be fully based on your choice, with input from Dr. Shermak to allow for professional guidance and the best possible decision. By the end of the appointment, you should be comfortable with your choice, and some return for a second visit to reassure yourself about the size you’ve chosen. Coming into surgery comfortable with the implant outcome is so important to the process of breast augmentation surgery.

Breast augmentation recovery: What can I expect?

Normal day-to-day activity is resumed in the days to week following your surgery. You can shower the day after surgery, but Dr. Shermak insists that you hold off from swimming or vigorous working out for three to four weeks. Dr. Shermak will plan to see you within days after your surgery and in the following weeks to help optimize your postoperative recovery.

When does swelling after breast augmentation begin to subside?

There is not typically a great deal of swelling in most cases. After several weeks, the acute swelling should resolve. Your implants may take months (or even years) to completely settle.

What will happen to nipple sensation after having a breast augmentation?

In most cases, nipple sensation after breast augmentation is preserved. It’s important to discuss concerns you may have with your plastic surgeon during the consultation.

Can you breastfeed after having a breast augmentation?

Yes, in most cases, breast augmentation does not interfere with breastfeeding. The ability to breastfeed depends on the surgical technique used and the individual’s anatomy. It’s important to discuss your plans for breastfeeding with your plastic surgeon during the consultation.

How do you massage breasts after breast augmentation?

Dr. Shermak recommends that her patients massage round saline or gel implants about two weeks after surgery. She will instruct you on moving your implant upward and inward with compressive massage in a postoperative visit.

What are the signs of capsular contracture after breast augmentation?

Capsular contracture describes the development of firm scar tissue around a breast implant, causing implant firmness, functional tightness, and possibly even a visible difference in the breast. If the breast is stable and comfortable, there is a low likelihood that capsular contracture is present.

Do I need a breast augmentation, a breast lift, or both?

This is best determined during your office visit with Dr. Shermak. In cases where a woman wants more fullness, breast augmentation provides that. If there is sagging either from development or pregnancy, a breast lift may be necessary for centering the breast more optimally around the implant. In some cases, women do not desire a breast lift and only desire augmentation, even if the nipple is on the low side.

Should I wear a surgical bra after breast augmentation?

Yes. Dr. Shermak recommends you wear a soft, supportive bra without an underwire for at least six weeks after surgery. You only need to wear the bra throughout the day and night for the first weeks after surgery.

What is your advice for exercise after breast augmentation?

You may start lower body exercise within weeks of surgery as long as you keep your arms immobile. Upper body exercise may begin about a month after breast augmentation surgery.

I work out a lot, and I am concerned that implants may impair my gym routine.

Many patients who undergo breast augmentation enjoy the gym. Even with implants placed underneath the pectoralis muscle, gym workouts are totally possible. You will be held from strenuous gym workouts for at least four weeks after breast augmentation surgery.

I have read about the risk of capsular contracture with breast implants. What is my risk?

The risk of capsular contracture is fairly low and is best alleviated with careful surgical technique. Additionally, after surgery, I review implant massage techniques with my patients to help reduce the risk of contracture. Massage and active (nonstrenuous!) range of motion movement after two to three weeks from your surgical procedure will help limit the risk of capsular contracture. All of the breast implant companies have three-year full warranties that cover treatment of capsular contracture if it occurs, including everything associated with care: OR and surgeon fees as well as new implants.

How long before I can return to work after breast augmentation surgery?

Many patients are driving within five days of their surgical procedure, and as long as there is no strenuous upper body lifting with work, patients can often return to work within one to two weeks after surgery.

I am not happy with a breast augmentation surgery that was performed elsewhere. What should I do?

Come see Dr. Shermak. She specializes in revision surgery after unsatisfactory breast surgery, having completed a fellowship focused on achieving optimal results for complex breast surgery cases. Some of the unsatisfactory outcomes that Dr. Shermak can successfully address include asymmetry, malposition, capsular contracture, and poor shape and size.

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